I’ve been studying holistic health for over a decade now and my devotion to this path gets stronger, more fortified, the more I understand how important our health is in the name of living a beautiful life. Isn’t that what we all want? I was really lucky to have been raised with an understanding of why the quality of food matters, why exercise and a strong body is important, and how our thoughts and beliefs directly influence our health. When I was 18 I read a book from my dad’s book shelf that lifted the veil and exposed the crookery and malevolence within the food, agricultural, and pharmaceutical industries. This knowledge invigorated my passion to really understand what true health is and to learn how to access it in a world that is set up against our wellness. And it’s what ultimately led me to do this work professionally. I got my formal education through Bauman College in Berkeley, California where I became certified as a holistic nutritionist and then studied herbal medicine at Ancestral Apothecary in Oakland, California. Since then, which has been about 6 years now, I’ve been working directly with people to help them feel awesome, body and soul. The more I learn and the more experience I gather, the simpler my approach to health becomes. Although it can seem overwhelming with all the contradicting information, especially online, the truth is that the way of health is not complicated. And the momentum that builds with each positive shift made, makes the journey much easier than one might assume. One good decision begets another good decision. And the same is true in reverse.
Feeling and looking amazing is your birthright. However, we are in the midst of a toxic overload of epic proportion, unlike anything we’ve experienced before. From the food we eat, the water we drink and bathe in, the air pollutants we inhale, lack of proper movement, to the household supplies and hygiene/beauty products with dangerous chemicals and heavy metals, the over prescription of pharmaceuticals, an unregulated supplement industry, and of course the media we consume whose business model is to induce fear, distort, and polarize society. Therefore, if your desire is to enjoy life in the best way ever, you cannot just simply wing it, or have a shallow depth of inquiry when it comes to your health. One of my favorite parts of being alive is helping people feel better and experience life better.
I’m honored that you’ve taken the time to read this. If guidance and support along the way sounds good to you, I’d love to offer you that :)