
In order to truly understand the epicness of minerals, one must take a cosmic perspective. They are transmitters of energy from the divine. As Ray Mala puts it “minerals possess the energy and intelligence of the Goddess” which we also may call Gaia, Sophia, Anima, Mother Earth, “and they are allowed to be directed by the thought forms of humanity.” The mineral kingdom is alive and was designed to fulfill the evolutionary cycle of the Goddess. Minerals receive their energy from the cosmos, and through their magnetic field they can be influenced for the advantage or disadvantage of mankind.  This is why, for example, the purity of mind of the alchemist is crucial in the transmutation of lead into gold. Alchemy, also referred to as divine chemistry, introduced the philosophical approach to the mysteries of the mineral kingdom.  Alchemists of old believed that if they could explain the mysteries of the mineral kingdom they would have the key that would unlock the secrets of heaven, earth, and man.  “The alchemists endeavored to separate the spirit of minerals from the bodies which imprisoned them.” - Manly P Hall

Just as the earthly body is made up of minerals, so is the human body.  As above so below, as within so without. Our body doesn’t create minerals out of thin air, we get our minerals through the ingestion of food grown in the earth’s soil, or food that ate food grown in the earth’s soil. Aswell as water and what grows and lives in water. The healthy functioning of our body is in direct correlation to how well mineralized we are.  If we have a mineral deficiency, there will be discord on the physical level and the psycho-spiritual level.  Many don’t realize that minerals are necessary for the way our hormones and neurotransmitters function and communicate, which dictates our emotional well being.  When we do not have adequate minerals to carry out the functions necessary for survival, our body perceives this as starvation, which puts our biology into survival mode. How are we supposed to enjoy life in the best way, thinking creatively and compassionately when our body is focused on survival?  What also happens, when we’re not ingesting and absorbing adequate minerals, is our body starts pulling minerals from reserves in the tissue, bones, blood, and organs. This increases our risk for disease of all manner and accelerates the aging process.

Unfortunately, mineral deficiency is rampant today in our society and is at the root of so much of the suffering on the planet. Unless you are intentionally and proactively eating and living in a way that supports mineral sufficiency, you are likely deficient. This widespread deficiency has several contributing factors, but some biggies are:

  • The degradation of our soil through the inappropriate farming practices of the agricultural industry (referred to as Big Ag)

  • The ingestion of highly processed foods that are barely food and contain no life force

  • Ingestion of foods that have compounds that prevent the absorption of minerals and deplete minerals from the body due to improper preparation

  • Exposure to high stress, toxic burdens such as pollution and glyphosate, and many pharmaceuticals (especially birth control)

  • Super restrictive diets, such as vegan, vegetarian, and ketogenic

  • Undereating

Mineral deficiencies contribute to almost every ailment, physical and energetic. Weight gain, digestive issues, dysregulated sleep, depression, anxiety, infertility, low libido, chronic fatigue, hair loss, wrinkles, to name a few. No matter the symptom, getting adequate minerals into your body is the lowest hanging fruit and the first and foremost thing you can do to improve and optimize your health.

So… what do we do? Where to begin? I’d like to make a note here, that most of us have a lot of unlearning and deconditioning to do when it comes to what we perceive as healthy and unhealthy.  Remember, the business behind food production and the marketing of many foods is one of the most powerful forces in the world, and has gone to great lengths to shape the narrative around nutrition in order to support their business model. A psyop on mass scale. For example, the push for veganism and the false claims that animal products are inherently unhealthy for us and for the environment, is running amok on humanity and our land. While it’s true that the industrialization of animal products has negative consequences on our health and on the earth, including factory farming and the torturing animals, blasting them with hormones and antibiotics, and then the unnatural processing that these products undergo.  And we absolutely need to start making better, truly informed choices when it comes to animal and dairy consumption.  The answer though, is definitely not to avoid animal products entirely.  We are apart of the cycle of life. Life eats life. And they are the most nutrient dense sources of food we have, and we have evolved through eating these. It is only in the lack of reverence for the animal kingdom and it’s ecological relationship to the land, that the argument of ethics of animal consumption holds up. I do not see anything righteous or compassionate about creating a society of malnourished, sick people by purposefully manipulating them into thinking they are doing a good thing by avoiding animal based foods, in fact its diabolical. There is no goodness in depriving ourselves of the nutrition we need and disrupting the ecological harmony of the earth by demonizing animal foods, and then eating foods that are worsening the mineral balance and supporting destructive agricultural practices. Depending on their level of awareness, many folks have been brainwashed to think that eating an impossible burger is an awesome thing. No way. These highly processed food-like products are mostly made of highly genetically modified corn, soy, and wheat, and then laced with toxic seed oils such as canola and sunflower oil. Aswell as gnarly preservatives and other chemicals, and then wrapped up in plastic and slapped with a good ole “PLANT BASED” headline on it. A marketing tactic that tricks the undiscerning mind into thinking it’s the healthy, virtuous choice.  Bull crap.  And if you’re not eating the ultra processed stuff, and instead are eating a whole bunch of organic vegetables and organic grains, you still are at risk for some serious mineral deficiencies.

While there are some nutrients in vegetables and grains and legumes that can be beneficial, you are not getting the quantity or quality of nutrients that you would get from most animal based products.  This is especially true if the preparation of these vegetables, grains, and legumes isn’t taken into consideration.  Many of the plants that we consume for food, contain compounds called anti-nutrients, such as phytic acid, oxalates, and lectins.  These compounds are produced by plants in order to protect them from predators, so that they can carry on their evolutionary cycle. Our ancestors however, were smart, and they figured out ways to prepare and cook these foods that would minimize the anti-nutrients and liberate the nutrients of these foods and make them digestible.  Fermentation is an example of this.  Removing the hull of rice is an example of this. So everyone who thinks that eating brown rice is better than white is missing the mark.  There’s a reason why these ancient cultures who eat a bunch of rice have removed the hull thus making it white rice. Its because they knew that they would get sick if they were regularly consuming the hard outer shell that was designed to protect the inner grain and is disruptive to the digestive tract of whatever ingests it. There’s a reason indigenous corn eating cultures do the process of nixtamalization to make the corn digestible and more nutritious. Corn belongs to what’s called the teosinte family of grasses that are mostly indigestible to humans. Cows for example, have a digestive system that knows how to breakdown these grasses in a way that nourishes them. How did our ancient ancestors figure this stuff out? How did they know that in order for their body to digest corn, it needed to go through a very specific and intricate formula of grinding and alkalizing and cooking this plant? Most, maybe all!?, shamanic traditions, from South America to Ireland, and everywhere in between, will say that the way they got their knowledge of plants, whether it be for food or for medicine or for psychedelic rituals, was from the plants themselves.  The plants showed them. These wise ancient cultures were not just raw dogging their grains and legumes. Preparation is everything. Another way preparation comes in, in the name of health and nourishment, is in the cooking of vegetables.  There was a time when I thought that eating big salads with a bunch of raw veggies and leafy greens was the best thing ever for my health. Even though after eating this I would always have digestive upset, especially bloating. I ignored my body’s response in order to adhere to a narrative that told me that big green raw salads are the best.  I won’t be doing that again.

When we learn to really listen and trust our body and it’s information, we will be guided to eating in a beautiful way. There are absolutely some beneficial nutrients in veggies, however, there are also a bounty of anti-nutrients that can and do run amok on many of us but we ignore it because we’re told veggies are the ultimate health giver.  And the nutrient density and bioavailability (our bodies ability to absorb the nutrients) is much less than what we find in animal based foods.  It’s just true. There’s a mass exodus from the vegan movement happening right now, inspired by a decline in their health and a waking up to the nefarious agenda behind the movement.  The blessing within the uprising of veganism is that many people are waking up to the abomination of factory farming and are bringing a whole new level of awareness to the sourcing of their animal based foods.

Alright, so continuing on with how to optimize our health with minerals is by adding them to drinking water.  Unless you are drinking water from a spring, you are likely drinking water that has been stripped of it’s minerals through the municipal tap water system.  When we are drinking minerally depleted water, it can actually CAUSE dehydration and disrupt the mineral balance in the body.  This is why when drinking filtered tap water, it’s wise to add minerals back in.  This can be as simple as adding a lil pinch of pink salt or sea salt. I like Redmond Real Salt because it’s loaded with minerals and is unlikely to have micro plastics which has been found in many sea salts. You can also hydrate with coconut water or add some coconut water to your water. Drinking herbal infusions made from herbs with a high mineral content such as nettle, burdock, raspberry leaf, and oatstraw is another great method. Aswell as broths, like bone broth. Fulvic minerals and shilajit has gotten really popular recently, and are ingested through adding them to water.  A good quality electrolyte blend can be awesome, aswell as raw milk from grass fed & finished cows. Thats right, MILK is even more hydrating than water. It’s estimated that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.  This is not necessarily because we’re not drinking enough fluids, but is because our water has been so denatured that we’re not even really drinking water anymore.  Its processed water.  And being dehydrated, is not what we want.  It’s an en epic energy zapper, it speeds up the aging process, and is an overall massive stressor on the system.  So, add some minerals back into your water, easy peasy.

I’d like to mention salt here too.  While it’s true that avoiding the weird processed bright white, nasty tasting table salt is a good thing, it is not wise to avoid or even minimize salt intake. REAL salt intake.  Salt that is in it’s natural form, such as pink salt and sea salt,  is a MEDICINE for us.  Aswell as a flavor amplifier. Do not avoid real salt.  This is messing people up.  Yes toss out the processed table salt, and swap it with real salt.

Ultra processed foods, a diet super high in vegetables, grains, and legumes especially when prepared incorrectly, seed oils, alcohol, depleted tap water, stressors (whether it be emotional, environmental, physical), under eating, avoiding meat and dairy, is a sure way to a mineral deficiency. Eating a diet rich in ethically raised animal based foods, including the organs.  Which ounce for ounce are the most nutrient dense foods on the planet.  There’s a reason, an intelligence, to the fact that a lion, a bear, or a wolf, will devour the organs of their prey first. A potential reason for this, is simply by the feeling they get after consuming them. There is a surge of energy that is felt after eating organ meats. They are invigorating and incredibly nourishing. And because they are so nutrient dense, they only need to be consumed in moderation in order to receive the nutritional benefits. This can be a true miracle, a saving grace, for folks in the name of their wellbeing.

I’m so happy this topic has caught your attention. I hope you feel inspired to consider minerals in a whole new way in order to live an awesome life.